At Message of Hope, we are passionate about encouraging weary hearts with Christ-centered music. We have spent countless hours practicing, travelling, recording, and practicing some more. We hope that the Lord Jesus Christ will be honored in all of our efforts and that your heart will be encouraged.
This is a great space to tell you more about our mission, our team, and our services. We believe that music can be a powerful tool to lift up your soul and bring you closer to God. Our team consists of talented musicians who are dedicated to creating beautiful and inspiring music that will touch your heart. We offer a variety of musical services, including live performances, recordings, and music lessons.

1st Tenor

Merle Knepp
Merle Knepp married to Doretta (Schrock) on June 29 2013. We have been blessed with 3 children, Kiarra, Landon, and Reagan. I was born in August 1991 in La Russell, MO, where I lived for the first 17 years of my life, then moved to Fairland, OK, in 2009.
Occupation: General Construction
Hobbies: Archery hunting and fishing
Joined MOH: 2013
Personal Testimony: I have been extremely blessed to be a part of this group. My goal is that God would be glorified and I could be used of Him in His service.

Tim Miller
Tim Miller was born in 1996 to Myron and Anna Miller from Fairland, OK. Tim married Danelle Martin in September 2018. We have been blessed with 2 precious children. Chantaya Joy joined us Aug 31, 2022, and unexpectedly went to be with Jesus a few minutes after birth. Treylin Wyatt joined us on Nov 11, 2023.
Occupation: Trailer Mechanic
Hobbies: singing, travelling, hunting, and fishing
Joined MOH: 2013
Personal Testimony: Most of all I am extremely thankful for the blood that was shed so that I can have this hope of eternal life with Christ, and that I can have a relationship with the One who created me. I am also thankful for the path God has taken me on and for the place he has me at today. It is my desire to express my thanks to Him by way of being completely surrendered to His will and to doing my part in sharing this message of hope with people where ever I go.
2nd Tenor

Myron Miller
Myron Miller was born in Washington, IA in 1969 and grew up in Seymour, MO. In 1990 he married Anna Oberholtzer from Lancaster County PA. In 1996 they moved to Fairland, OK where they currently reside. They have been blessed with four sons and one daughter. The four oldest children are now married, and as of this writing in 2024 they have 9 grandchildren. Their hearts were broken in 2022 when their granddaughter Chantaya Joy went to be with Jesus. The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. Living with them at home is their youngest son Marcus, and Myron’s younger brother Stephen.
Occupation: Trailer sales and service
Hobbies: Woodworking, grilling, traveling, bus-driving, and anything with family.
Joined MOH: 2013
Personal Testimony: I am so thankful that God allowed me to be born into a Christian home. I am thankful for the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, the hope of eternal life with Him in Heaven, and the power to walk in the newness of life, free from the guilt of sin. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this group of “Him-singers” and look forward to being increasingly useful in the Kingdom of Christ as the years roll on.

Marcus Miller
Marcus Miller was born in 2001 in Fairland, OK and has lived there ever since.
Occupation: Trailer Sales and Service
Hobbies: Hunting, bird lover
Joined MOH: 2019
Personal Testimony: I am blessed to have the opportunity to share, in song, the message of hope that God has given to all mankind. I hope all who hear our music will be drawn to a closer walk with God.

Aaron & Kyle Knepp
Aaron Knepp married Keturah (Stoltzfus) in 2004. I was born in southern Indiana in 1982 and lived in southwest Missouri from 1989-2008 when we moved to Fairland, OK. God has blessed us with 2 boys, ages 17 and 13 and 2 girls, age 10. My oldest son Kyle and I now both sing baritone on MOH.
Occupation: Garage door sales, installation, and service.
Hobbies: Hunting
Joined MOH: 2013
Testimony: I'm grateful for God's amazing love and the fact that in spite of my many failures, I can still be counted as his child! My desire is that people can see Christ through our music and that I can humbly reflect Christ in my life. May God be glorified!

Joe Beiler
Occupation: Schoolteacher and Metal roll forming
Hobbies: Reading, fishing, or anything with my family
Joined MOH: 2020
Testimony: It's thrilling to sing to others about what has happened in my heart, especially since we can present this wonderful news as a free give for anybody who chooses it. Thank you, Lord! Even so come, Lord Jesus!

Matt Zimmerman
Matthew Zimmerman was born in Texas. He has lived in Wyandotte, OK, since 2000 and married Carolyn Bear in 2004.
Occupation: Excavation/construction
Hobbies: Camping, hunting, and the great outdoors.
Joined MOH: 2013
Testimony: I would like this music to be an encouragement to those listening and be a blessing to their lives.